Finnegan Matt-Williams

Cast call for MILOU, an experimental coming of age short

Cast call for MILOU, an experimental coming of age short

This film is an intimate portrayal of a father son relationship. It is a portrait of a young boy who missed a deep connection with his father in his youth, and now regrets it. Milou, our main actor takes a trip to the wind turbine his dad used to work at, to recount and relive his memories with his younger self and father.

Wat bieden wij?
Since we are a student production, we sadly can't offer pay, but we can offer a fun time on set with a great time, food and a great film for your portfolio!


Utrecht, Netherlands

We are looking for our main actor Milou (between the ages of 6-14). Milou is a soft spoken boy who spends alot of time in his imagination and playing out in the woods.
We are also looking for older Milou (between 16-20). Ideally we are looking for someone with short/buzzed hair and slightly harder features. He is frustrated and angry at the lack of a deeper connection to his father and partly blames this on himself. He is mad at his father for not trying harder, but struggles with the knowledge that his father was raised the same way, and lacks the skills to build up a more emotional bond.
Lastly we are looking to fill the role of our father Emiel (between 30-45). Emiel is a hard working repairman who is good with his hands and spends alot of time working. He loves his family, but doesn't often share his feelings, and shows his love through acts of service. As a child he had a difficult relationship to his father, and still struggles with facing his emotions.

We are shooting the 25-26 May.

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Verloopt 25-05-2024